Summary Reflection (Arguments for and against having more than one online identity)

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After reading my colleagues’ arguments… they gave me a lot of insights. Interesting.

These reads have made me think and reflect. Am i one of those people who own multiple identities online? I’d say… Yes. I do create multiple accounts everywhere on social networks. Be it Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, you name it i have it.

For the past 3 years, i’m named Applepie online. It’s the easiest name for my friends and others to remember because my real name is very hard to pronounce. I have to say.. I did not regret choosing that “fake” name as my form of identity. At least everyone remembers me. 🙂

Oh also, i’ve read Wan Chyng’s and Jun Wai’s post which also proved to my point on my post whereby companies uses your informations without your consent. They use your “cookies” to track what you’ve last searched on the web. To think about it, it can be quite irritating and hello? WHERE’S MY PRIVACY.
But as a (future) marketer, it is actually an advantage!

Talking about privacy… there was once where I came across an account on Facebook whereby there was this person used my photos as his/her display photo.

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I was shocked, utterly speechless. This person even had photos of me when i was in secondary school! It really scared me because what if that person used my identity to bully others or do other swindle acts. Definitely, I reported him on Facebook.

“we should then try to have that is close to our offline identity and limit how much information we provide online”
(Quoted from: Edward Ting

Having discussed with Edward, I realised that it all depends on the individual on how much informations he wants to put on the net. He doesn’t need to have multiple identities, he can just manage one. It is all within that individual on how he wants to portray himself online. You can check out our comments on Edward’s comment box!

In conclusion, I believe that one can have more than one online identity but it all depends on the person’s way of handling them. It is also important not to abuse them.


Commented on:
Edward Ting’s Blog
Junwai’s Blog

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